Recently my GPX30 Clark started leaking oil from the tilt cylinders. Leaking enough now to get them resealed. Yes I need to power wash the areas first before I remove them. The front pins look easy enough to remove. But I am not familiar with the removal of the rear pins. They have a large hex on them with a threaded hole in the center. Can anyone chime in on how these are removed before I dig into this?
Thanks, James
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From Admin...if the photos are really important send them to me
rlamb at forkliftaction dot com and i will see what I can do to help.
PS It was me who just tried to phone you in Ohio
Tried to load pics several different ways. I guess not allowed.
Everything back together. Had to hammer new spherical bearings and spacers in the body pin areas. Kind of like installing new bearing races in a hub. I believe the old bearings were rusted to the pins causing the problems to remove the pins - no grease fittings like the forward pins at the mast. Used a bunch of anti-seize but hopefully it will never need to be serviced for many years.
Well it was a long day. No luck with them coming out from the top. Couldn't even drive them out from below with a jack or porta-power. Had to drive them down through the bottom with a bar and sledge. Just rusted in for good. Had to call Clark to order new pivot bushings(?) since they came out in rusty broken pieces.
I will give that a try. Thank you.
Should be a locking bar or pin on the inboard side of the rear pin that has the hex and threaded part,remove locking pin/bar and use a slide hammer threaded into the hex to slam and pound the pin out.... accepts no responsibility for forum content and requires forum participants to adhere to the rules. Click here for more information.