Hello Everyone,
I'm new in this forum.
The company I work wants to install some dock levelers, vehicle restraints, bumpers, dock shelter, etc.
There are several providers quotating us with huge price difference. There's PowerAmp, Kelley (Entrematic), Blue Giant, RiteHite and McGuire. We noticed Kelley prices are almost 30% more than PowerAmp but the products specs seems to be the same. Could you guys tell me BRAND talking which one of them is better? (Or maybe recommend us with a better one?)
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The bottom line is that there's no one-size-fits-all solution for loading dock equipment. What works for one company may not work for another.
As a general rule, the better the product, the cheaper it is to buy. If you're looking to purchase a large amount of equipment, Kelley and Blue are two of the best options.
I'm Nguyen Thuc
Although, your question has been around for a long time, but I find it very interesting and there are many forum members who are still wondering. Indeed, the price of the dock leveler always has a difference between brands.
Take a look at: https://leveler.vn/ and then call for the specifics of your situation and they'll help you find the right dock leveler for your application.
Hey buddy,
Please let me know more about the process. I mean for what process you are going to use dock equipment.
Although the topic is old, I would like to add some useful information on what are the right factors to look for when buying loading dock equipment.
Choosing the right leveler largely depends upon the important factors, such as maintenance, safety, reliability, ease of operation, manufacturer support, and your specific needs. I would suggest going through a detailed document on how to choose the best loading dock equipment at http://www.datarengineering.com/downloads/Rite%20Hite%20-%20Choosing%20a%20right%20Dock%20Leveler.pdf
golly. looks cold! is that an operator running the screed? http://www.traininginsholinganallur.in/php-training-in-chennai.html | http://www.trainingintambaram.in/web-designing-training-in-chennai.html
The substructure of a dock leveler dictates the duty cycle and how long the dock leveler will last, including but not limited to the angle of the dock leveler for the entrance and exit of the forklift into the truck trailer. The substructure is identified as the center of the beams in addition to the beam structure, such as I-beam, C-Channel or formed steel. In short, it's not the length of the warranty that dictates the value of the dock leveler, but the duty cycle that is identified by the dock leveler brand.
How to identify your required duty cycle: Do you have 1, 2, or 3 shifts per day? Are you driving over the dock leveler, every 15 minutes, once an hour or once a day? Beacon can help you rate the dock leveler to fit your specific application so you are not involved in a blind specification and purchase.
Take a look at: http://www.beacontechnology.com/docklevelers/ and then call with the specifics of your situation and they will help you find the dock leveler that fits your application.
You have named the majors in this industry. I would look real close at the quotes you have received. Make sure you are quoted apples for apples. I have worked on all of these brands. A lot depends on the specific models of leveler/ lock you are getting.
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