I got my 2006 Linde H30D showing four error codes( T271, T272, T380 and L220). Low Voltage and Traction fault.
After spending a day checking wires , plugs and fuses my Dealer thinks I need a new computer.
Somehow I am not too fond doing this, the tech needs half a day travel time alone each way plus time to set up. Mucho Dineros and it could happen again some Day.
The motor will start and run even with the Linde computer removed,
so I am thinking of getting modulated voltage / current to the coils and run the show without this modern technology. After all its only a forklift, my 1950s Hyster runs fine without it and is easy to trouble shoot.
My Question: Has anybody done something like this? Or am I foolish to even think that way?
Any help and encouragement will be highly appreciated.
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