Hoppecke launches battery multi-charger

News Story
- 17 Aug 2023 ( #1141 ) - Newcastle-Under-Lyme, United Kingdom
1 min read
The new trak charger HF giant from Hoppecke can save  warehouse space and improve battery availability.
The new trak charger HF giant from Hoppecke can save  warehouse space and improve battery availability.

Hoppecke has released a charger capable of powering up eight individual lead acid batteries to save floor and shelf space in warehouses.

The trak charger HF giant has one power connection and can be configured to charge forklift batteries with differing voltages (24 V to 80 V) and capacities (64 Ah to 1550 Ah).

Hoppecke Industrial Batteries general manager Stuart Browne says: "Businesses in electric intralogistics are running increasingly bigger materials handling equipment fleets these days and with the cost of warehouse space on the rise, efficient use of it, and this includes the battery charging area, is a top priority.

"The trak charger HF giant addresses the space issue, whilst also tackling the need to improve battery availability, which is especially important in 24-hour operations, with a quick charge capability."

The charger achieves up to 95% state of charge in just 2.5 hours, allowing intensive operations to undertake opportunity charging during break times and shift changes.

After six charges at four-hourly intervals battery capacity returns to 100%, whereas without opportunity charging, capacity would be 62%. Heavy duty operations can take full advantage of this capability to maximise their working hours.

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