Hello All, I am trying to learn what would cause the telescope to not work. Question 1. If there is a caution triangle flashing will this allow all the other ground functions to operate properly but keep the boom extension in and out to not function.
All founction operate properly from the ground position except the telescoping ram. When that telescoping ram is called, the honda engine accelerates and the pump seem under pressure. Is there any form of mechanical lock on the telescope to keep it from exiting or enter the Arm tube?
Question 2. Will that same flashing triangle keep the basket controls from allowing any functions to operate from the basket.
How do I determine why that flashing signal is there.
The system appears to properly extend and level the stansion feet. I do not know nor have any access to the Manufactures code reader. Is there a way to get the codes from a flashing light on the boom? Any suggestions or assistance is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance Prof.
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