Showing items 1 - 5 of 5 results.
No! I have not tried the hose but I will try this next. How do we set the AIR GAP in the distributor pickup? There isn't any side play at the distributor
have you considered changing the hose that carries the fuel from the regulator to the mixer? (mixer is the top of the throttle-body/carburetor, unless this is a "dual fuel")
what did you set the air gap in the distributor pickup at? is there any side play in the distributor (not up and down, but sideways, like if it had a set of points, the points would push sideways on the distributor shaft).
It has the Peugeot CTXN1P Motor. The SERIAL # 3EC3701 for this lift truck and the MODEL# V40D, LPG FUELED
It has the Peugeot motor.
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