Hi hope all is well new to the forum, I have a 3020-30 and it will go backwards and forwards if really ease into the joey stick slow but other wise it just acts like it trips an overload switch it will let you try 2 times but then you have to cycle the power off then it will let you try to more times. I backed the brakes off in case that was the problem but it did not help. I don't have an electrical diagram for this old lift but it seems to me there is an overload switch or relay some were. Any one seen this before? any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.
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ok ill give it a look I swap a card out of a different lift with no change to the system this seems like something unusual is going on. Do you know were I could find an electrical schematic for this lift? I have done well on fixing are lifts the last couple years but this lift really has me stumped. Do you think the 2 issues have to be from the same root problem it is odd to me that they would be have issues at the same time.
Thanks again Chase
You might also check the rectifiers
#1 #2 etc they shouldn't cause gauge issue
But can cause symptoms you described
Especially # 2 & 5
Hey I put new brushes in with the same result I also had an extra curtis battery control as well i swap that in and still have the same out come. its getting the key on voltage but the the B+ B- get nothing with the lift on I am stating to suspect that there is an issue with the card? I want to pull it out and see if there are any burnt spots in it? is it a normal part that fails?
thanks ill get some parts coming and let you know what I come up with when the time comes
Yes replace brushes and you can check the Curtis with meter check for battery volts on it and a negative
it goes from 39v to around 36v so it looks good there to me. still find it odd the Curtis 933 for the battery gauge is not working. The fan looks broken in one of the drive motors so I am going to pull it out see if I can get that as well as some new brushes for both motors. one of the Motors kind of make a high pitch noise when taking off so I am gonna say I have bad brushes.
The battery will show a full charge until you put under a load then will drop significantly this is due to surface charge
Hook up meter to battery then try to drive and see what the drop that will eliminate the battery
I did check the cap its dead on the money. the Curtis 933 with bat gauge stop working at the same time could this be part of the problem I am guessing so but figured I would ask. Lift has 39v with no load
Thanks ill give this a try if its is any help the lift has gauge to tell battery life and this is not working either the it is charged but gauge is showing no life if I hook the battery to a different lift it says it is fully charged. I will try a another battery in the lift to see if it works but it is odd to me that the battery gauge would go out at the same time I am having this issue. has a Curtis 933 control with battery gauge. my meter shows 39v with no load ill try driving with it hooked up.
First thing I would check is the battery voltage under load , then the drive motor
Hook your meter into battery cables black to neg and red positive then check voltage as you drive if all ok check drive motor for brush wear
And loose cables
I'm guessing that this is an RC since you said joy stick. Have you checked the capacitor on the card. There is not a lot of tolerance on them.
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