I have 3 Tier3 Mazda units (Impco), all converted to CNG.
2 of them have started missing and popping out the intakes. (after ~2200 hours)
No codes, other than the usual STFT <>20%.
Everything checks out with the lap-top, and the miss seems to get better after I reset LTFT's. But only for a while...
I've modded the Tier2's (asin system) to the point that they work well, but they all needed head-rebuilds from running lean for so long.
I was wondering if anyone else was having issues on LPG, just in case this is a self-induced, CNG caused, problem.
The Impco-emissions might be getting damaged from constantly having to be 20-30% richer with CNG (kind of like when the 4.3's were stripping throttle gears)
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it would be unfair to comment
been there kev.what about the plugs on a s3.00xm with a v6 gm engine.take the day off.sounds like you have the same servicing drones as we do. thanks for the reply ed t,thats interesting.
and because the plugs are a pain in the tXXs to get at.it,s the breakdown guy that changes them ,to get the truck running properly. not the servicing guy pen pushing..... easy life
the arc is searching for the easiest path to battery neg, and if that is through the case of the coil rather than to the ground through the electrode of the spark plug, the electrical charge can damage whatever path it takes. It's the same reason that if you have a spark plug that is miss firing you must also change the spark plug wireset and rotor cap.
this is a stupid question iknow,but can you explain how the coil goes down when a plug is bad.i worked on cummins,cats and rolls royce/perkins most of my working life and am always willing to learn somthing new.
Turns out, it all goes back to those crappy Denso plugs...
Now when a plug fails, there's enough energy to fire it most of the time.
If you don't catch it quickly enough, it wrecks the coil and eventually the ECM.
(rotors were much cheaper :-) )
A quick swap to Autolites, a few coils and 1 ECM, and all units running well.
Thanks to all that responded.
have you tried calling impco direct?
their website has their phone# and they will usually try to help
did you guys "engineer" this yourselves?
im going to assume you need a whole cng setup including a different ECU
I'll bet the UK CNG truck is not a Tier3 emissions Impco truck.
If it is, I'd pay to get my hands on that ecu file!
(nudge nudge, wink wink)
you can get CNG option in uk.
I don't believe that Hyster has a CNG option so you are on your own, expecially if you are modifying their system. They can not help you because they would be liable for the emissions, and I can tell you that they spend a lot of money meeting those requirements and they have no desire to pay any fines for not metting them.
Nope, because they are emissions trucks, sHyster is unable to help.
speak to hyster dealer. i,m sure cng trucks have different ecu settings
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