TMHA, Caddy partnership takes another step

News Story
- 14 Jun 2018 ( #876 ) - Moorebank, NSW, Australia
1 min read
Caddy Storage in Blacktown, Sydney
Caddy Storage in Blacktown, Sydney
The company that fits out Toyota Material Handling Australia's (TMHA's) service vans, Caddy Storage, is increasing productivity and reducing delivery times by moving to an all-Toyota forklift fleet.

The latest addition to the Caddy Storage fleet is a Toyota BT Reflex reach forklift.

The company has installed racking in 382 Toyota HiAce vans for TMHA since 2011, with a further 14 vans to be delivered this year.

Fitting out occurs in Caddy Storage's main workshop at Blacktown in Sydney's west, one of the company's eight facilities nationally.

Established in 1986 by Bob Upcroft in the family garage, Caddy Storage is now one of Australia's largest manufacturers and suppliers of commercial-vehicle storage systems.

Company CEO Greg Upcroft, Bob Upcroft's son, says the new Toyota reach forklift had two key advantages over the older forklifts, including a specialised configuration so it can be used indoors and outdoors.

"With this configuration, it can easily traverse the car yard area outside our factory without halting production," he said.

"Secondly, the improved battery life allows us to operate later into the afternoon, so loading times have vastly improved, meaning we can ship more quickly to our stores and distributors."

Caddy Storage has more than 150 employees nationally, with facilities in Blacktown, Prestons and Tuggerah (New South Wales); Brisbane and Brendale (Queensland); Laverton North and Braeside (Victoria); and Perth (WA), and more than 100 distributors for its products.
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