Finalists have been selected for the seventh annual Queensland supply chain and logistics awards.
Winners will be announced on 4 September in Brisbane.
In the future leaders category, finalists are: Tayla Bush, AWH; Stephanie Campbell, Project Procure; Renee Cunningham and Samuel Welsh, Aurizon; Christey Garretty, Stanwell Corporation; Joshua Hiscock and Matthew Pope, Energex Ltd; Ryan Jackson, Resource2Source; and Alexander Prizeman, Polar Fresh Cold Chain Services.
Finalists for the training, education & development award are: Chain of Responsibility Australia; GenR8 Employment Pathway for Youth, Metropolitan Region; Department of Education Training and Employment; Kmart's Lytton Distribution Centre; and UQ Business School Executive Education.
Supply chain management award finalists are: Procurement Transformation Division, Department of Housing and Public Works; Downer EDI Mining; FCI Consultants; and Stanwell Corporation.
Industry excellence award finalists are: Nikki Barbi, Ergon Energy; Andrew Bennett, Department of Employment, Education and Training; Mark Brommeyer, National E-Health Transition Authority; Tycho Buningh, Tycho Buningh & Associates; Nev Burton, STEP Supply Chain; John Lee, Queensland Department of Health; Julie McCormack and Phil Nahrung, Stanwell Corporation; and Allan Twomey, Sandvik Mining.