Forklift production at the Belet plant. |
What are your company's products/services?Belet, headquartered in North Bohemia, in the Vejprty region of the Czech Republic, produces diesel, gas and electric forklifts, rack systems for warehousing operations and pallet lifts, pallet jacks, lifting platforms and stackers. Belet's main product is combustion forklifts, which it has produced since 1997 in co-operation with Prowel, of Taiwan, and Marioti, of Italy. Exports to Russia, Italy, Poland and the USA account for 50 per cent of Belet's forklift sales.
Give a brief history of your company's involvement in the materials handling industry.Belet is a joint-stock company, established after the privatisation of state-owned Belet in 1992. State-owned Belet was founded in 1912. Belet's early tradition of precise machinery production has been maintained.
Mast production at Belet. |
After privatisation, Belet halted all activities that were incompatible with production of materials handling equipment. A decision was made to develop the technology of its materials handling equipment. Belet expanded production and worked with other companies to develop its product range.
Belet has partnered with Czech companies but most partners are customers and materials handling equipment producers from other countries, like eastern and western Europe and the USA.
Today Belet is represented by satellite companies in Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Croatia and Ukraine, and dealers in Germany, Britain, France and other countries. Belet has 100 employees at its Vejprty plant. Its other plant is in Cheb.
What is your company's current position in the regional market? How about globally?Belet is a subcontractor for a few multinational companies.
What makes your company outstanding in its market?Belet provides flexible service and low-cost equipment.
Tell us your company's future plans.Belet forklifts |
Belet is looking for an international materials handling company with which to partner to improve its materials handling equipment. Belet currently cooperates with the following companies: Thos Storey and JCB, in the UK; Superior Fab, in the USA; FAC, in Italy; and TFN, in Russia