Model no: GP050TENUAE083GS ("E" could be "F")
Serial no: N544619
Need a wiring diagram for this lift. A service manual also needed. Battery good, new alternator. Having a lot of trouble finding info on this lift. Does not charge the battery while running. No change in voltage when running or off. Drains battery overnight while not in use. I have limited knowledge on altenators and wiring.
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Thank you for your response (sorry so delayed). The alternator was replaced and the battery checked out okay. The lift has the cut-off switch next to the seat. Not sure if it matters but it's the type designed to be used in a place where fumes and vapors could be present. "No spark" or concealed spark. I am using your advice on pulling the fuse one by one. The problem is I located 2 more stray wires that were cut (not sure on purpose or not). Could there be a generic schematic for basic/standard electric systems?
This is a 1994 Yale. Hard to find schematics that match due to multiple options. I suggest disconnecting all wires going to the alternator. Since you have no voltage coming out, possible shorted inside and causing the draw on the battery. Check battery next morning and see what the voltage is. If voltage is good replace alternator. If the battery still drains, pull fuses until it stops and trace that circuit. Good luck. accepts no responsibility for forum content and requires forum participants to adhere to the rules. Click here for more information.