i have a 1998 daewoo gc25 s-3 , when i bought it it had power steering , but seemed like it had air in the system because it would steer , pretty good then , steering got harder to turn , i noticed the hydraulic tank on side of truck the tank was 190 degrees , so i opened the hydraulic tank and the filters seemed clean , someone told me there must be a blockage somewhere, so i took to forklift to repair shop they put in a new orbital , still no steering , so they rebuilt the hydraulic master cylinder , still no steering , then they put new hydaulic pump on the truck , still no steering , they checked pressure at the orbital but only went up to about 5 psi , then they took the gauge off and started it fluid shot out , but no pressure , anyone else ever have this problem on this model daewoo , we dont know what else to try to fix the steering on this unit , if you lift the back of the forklift up the steering can be turned side to side , by moving the wheels back and forth by hand, any help would be greatly appreciated thank you , serial numbe is 95-00658
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I have virtually the same problem on the same machine. Steering ability is absent, but rarely it will come back fully for a while. I thought it was the orbitrol at first, but they are discontinued, which may be a good thing. My LS seems to go to the brake valve. Could that be the problem?
Any chance that you could send me that schematic too? You might save me from taking years off my life.
Check your email! Happy Holidays!
LS is the load sensing line, coming from the orbitrol, wich actuates the priority valve on the pump.
thank you for your advice , but what is a ls the Ls line , is that the low side meaning low pressure side thanks and happy holidays to you
Priority valve, mounted on the engine driven hydraulic oil pump.
P/N D516514
It's being controlled by the LS line coming from the orbitrol.
Worth checking if it's not blocked between orbitrol and priority valve (could be a steel line-not sure, it's been awhile since i've worked on those)
The orbitrol acts like a small pump, therefore-with drive wheels off ground_ it will deliver enough oil to steer, could be the PSI that was measured.
Pump is easily tested; when the lifting works pump is fine, the priority valve could be stuck or not getting an LS signal from teh orbitrol.
Normally a visual check of the PV is done by lifting at a steady speed, when steering the lifting motion should be decreased during steering.
Good luck!
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