Showing items 1 - 4 of 4 results.
The latest list we have is the 2004 / 2005 list - see it on our website - go to Business Directory main page, scroll down and you will see "World ranking of forklift manufacturers / dhf-magazine" - That is the latest as Dhf-intralogistik published their English version of the list in April 2006.
Do you have an updated list of the Top 50 Forklift Manufacturers for 2006?
The top 39 for 2003/2004 and also 2004/2005 are listred here on our website. Click on "Business Directory" and scroll down towards the bottom of the search page. We have named some 400 manufacturer brands so far..... they all get our newsletter each week.....hopefully they all read this Forum.
I can give you the top 3
1. Toyota (Toyota, Raymond and BT)
2. Linde
3. Jungheinrich accepts no responsibility for forum content and requires forum participants to adhere to the rules. Click here for more information.