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check the battery voltage if ok check the solenoid pull-out the starter from the unit. make the body of the starter as a ground then connect a jumper cable to the terminal 30 sometimes the terminal 30 looks like a mounted bolt.
Then when the negative terminal are already connected to the ground of the starter so as the positive to the terminal 30 the starter pinion gear will move forward and if it is not replace. And also check the contact tips of the starter it might be worn-out replace it...then inspect the carbon brush of the starter......good luck!
check the frame to enine ground. put your meter on d/c volts and put 1 lead on the battery negative and the engine and crank engine. any reading above 0.3 volts is too much replace cable. same applies to positive cable, check at positive cable and large lug on starter. these are voltege drop tests and are the most accurate way to determine how good the circuit is. the higher the reading the worse the problem. due to the way a toyota is cabled it is possible to have full voltage to the control side and little or none at the starter.
When it clicks check the voltage at the starter solenoid and make sure you have 12 volts or close to it. If so, sounds like a bad solenoid/starter. accepts no responsibility for forum content and requires forum participants to adhere to the rules. Click here for more information.