I have this WAVE with service code 136 active.
The possible causes are:
- Unexpected failure of controller software. Try to restart (power up) again
- Open or short circuit on communication lines
- Short circuit to battery positive on communication lines
- Display or controller Failure
I have check the wiring for short or open circuits and everything is OK. Obviously I tried to restart the machine but the problem remains.
It seems that the problem is inside the Controller or Display.
I have opened both of them and I didn't find any visible signs of malfunction.
Is there something else that could cause this error?
What does usually happen with the Controller or Display with this service code?
Showing items 1 - 3 of 3 results.
I finally got the Wave sorted out.
I've fixed the display and prior to installing it I've checked all the I/O and everything is OK again. So I'm looking at the display card and I've notice that some component pins were soldered pretty deep in the circuit board. I've installed it on the handle without electrical connections and look between. Some of the component (stabilizers) pins were almost touching the handle body! It could be that when I was installing the display for the first time I pushed it to hard on the cables behind so it short-circuited to the handle body.
I've clipped the excess pins, installed the display, key-on and the thing works to the day!
OK, that's enuff of this monologue for me.
I hope someone will have a good use of this info.
Hello again,
unfortunately the saga continues...
In my previous post I mentioned that the display was faulty, but I have also send the controller to TVH who checked it said that it's also faulty.
Now I have come to the machine and installed the repaired controller and a new display. The machine turns on and works fine with the first flick of the key.
After 15 minutes of driving and testing the WAVE stops dead with total blackout and smoke coming out of the display!
I have tested the power supply of the display and it's OK. I've checked all the inputs and they seem fine.
What do you think? What caused the damage and what should I check before installing a new display?
The display part number changed from 120204 to 142809.
Is there any technical bulletin regarding this change?
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