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Technical Troubleshooting
JLG 35E:
No drive or control from joystick and switches in basket
Dear readers, we are the Kemperman family from Vijfhuizen in the Netherlands and work with a JLG35e/1997. This machine showed malfunctioning symptoms as no drive and no move. All functions of the aerial platform were perfect when operated from Ground Control, but NO reactions from the machine when operated from the basket (only the steering function and basket swing worked well due to a different power line). 2x Flashing Sevcon. Spent 3 days searching for possible defects as described by VooDooMoJo (Heavy Equipment forums a great guy by the way who provides so many solutions via HE-forums!). Measured all underlying control points, voltage and signal were OK. In this way we solved many questionable connections and oxidation on various relays....nothing that really provided the solution for the failures from the basket. Finally everything worked properly again after replacing the entire joystick. So there was no power and signal from the basket to the pump relay. The machine now also responds perfectly to all buttons on the control panel from the basket. Hopefully you will find support in this story. Good luck with the repair.
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