Hyster S55XLS:
Help with ignition switch wiring

I have a friend that hired someone to change the ignition switch in his S55XLS forklift. So he took the switch out but didn't label the wires or anything and by the time he got the new one he had no idea where they went. So now he's asked me to try and figure it out and I need some help. Here's a couple of pictures. https://goo.gl/photos/vXekiWH7KJKUq55R6
I know the red one is battery but that's all I got. As you can see the other guy already fried one of the wires by just trying random configurations so I don't want to make the same mistakes. Please help!
  • Posted 19 Nov 2016 07:16
  • Modified 19 Nov 2016 07:17 by poster
  • Discussion started by Bigtiny779
  • Arizona, United States

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