Showing items 1 - 15 of 49 results.
The us congress would be a good home for Exhaust. they keep promises about as much as Exhaust.Most cities with village idiot positions have no problem keeping the position filled so that just leaves the congress.
My guess exalt will launch it when someone (maybe it will be exalt) or some event, like the "Big Freeze" creates the "Perpetual Motion Machine" or Utopia is found.
Until then I might do a "Rip Van Winkle."
yeah danny_k
that's the problem with making such broad claims such as this he makes.
Eventually you have to provide the product or undisputable evidence it actually exists.
If he's been going on about this since 2010 i think it would be safe to say this is all just a narrative to promote a concept without actually doing it.
This topic is just stale now to me and i see it for what it is.
I've seen a lot of this over the years that never did go anywhere which is what makes me so skeptical, getting caught up in the conversation can be annoying but yet entertaining as well. Some of these responses from the other guys have had me LOL at times. :oD
But you keep on going exhalt, i need a good chuckle now and then :oD
It is zero emissions as it does not exist!
I remember him talking about the truck in 2010 and then saying the truck would be out in 2013.
johnr_j.. Not related, but I have been on a couple of benders with "The Wiz"
After living in Waco & Katy Texas for many years, folks from Texas do know how to get rid of "unique" objects and folks.
BTW Texas still has some "Blue Laws" counties but they fixed the problem by building a bunch of County Line" liquor stores out in the middle of now where but do a bang up business on Fridays and Saturdays.
Chris K Its all good, maybe combine my transporter beam with your Teleporter tech and use Exhaust as a test subject, I think we can transport him from his parents basement to mars or someplace like that
Chris K
Too funny - But very appropriate.
Didn't know folks in Kansas were this creative. R U related to the Wizard of Oz? Or is this the effects of Kansas relaxing their "Blue Laws" in 1987 and now only have 3 dry counties?
This is all a moot point because I have successfully crossed a shrink ray with a teleporter while adding a flux capacitor. Now I will not only beam you a package at a reduced price, but you will get it before I actually send it. (Talk about service)
Not only that, but it is -15% emissions! You heard it folks, it actually CLEANS THE AIR every time you use it.
Don't tell me it won't work because people told the Wright Brothers they would never fly and now you can fly anywhere you want.
The product will be ready in April, and will make forklifts and shipping services obsolete by February of that same year. To make sure the tech doesn't get hacked, I'm only leasing it to customers in a 3 block radius of my business.
Don't bother asking to see it, I typed it on the internet so you know it's true.
Nobody gives a flying bull exhaust to the green initiative. It's all driven by dictators and the media. And the only reason Walgreens buys electric trucks is because the media has brainwashed them that the customer cares.... and since the truck parades on the highway they think customers are impressed at how much they care. But a forklift that isn't seen by the customer, Let the coal roll.
Skip the Going green. Nobody cares. And even if they do their not ready to pay for it. Prove you can save some green Benjimans and people will listen.
Question to all in sales. Have you ever heard this from a potential customer? "Your machine is stronger and priced better but your competitor has a smaller carbon footprint and cares more for the environment."
I allways start with a clean sheet of paper when I wipe by butt ,
where is it?
spare us the sales pitch
we wanna see it :oD
How many have you sold to date???
How many testimonials from end users do you have???
'' We understand there is a issue with carbon and there and many different ways to take carbon out of the atmosfeer including Carbon sequestration.
We are able to offer a solution's that no other company in the forklift industry can. A cost effective 100% zero emission forklift that produces only water vapour out of the tail pipe.
Now when other forklift manufactures can do the same we will be making progress,but till then we will do it on our own.''
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