i have this code pop up when starting this thing cold and it will flash shut down in 15 seconds. shut it off and re start it and it runs fine with out any codes. also over a peroid of a week it will drain the battery. check amp drawl and found it to be 7.8 mil amps pull the battery fuse and it goes to zero. i check out the alt and with the sensing and field wire connection unhooked, the drawl goes down to 3.4 mil amp. it has a 2.2 mazda with the spectrum controller on it. i would appreciate if some one can tell me what this code means 522762-3 and what the amp drawl should be with it shut off. thanks
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I went through the schematics and it pointed me to the PDM replacement. Switched them out and the truck is still disabled. Any ideas out here?
Just for everyone info here's what I found. I took apart the pdm and found some crosion between the key power and the tps wire pin causing it to flood out with fuel and throw the above code. Thanks everyone for your help
Just happened to bump the inside lower wiring connector on pdm and unit starts throwing codes but if left alone it runs fine. Thanks for the help
I have had this code come up. It ended up being a defective PDM. This seemed to be a rare thing.
No scanner. alt is new just put on this morning. Out put is 14 volts.
unless someone has added devices to this machine (does it got a scanner?) that were not correctly wired in, have the alt rebuilt.
(522762-3 can be caused by the alt putting out too much).
Switched Battery
Voltage 3 (IGN 3) OORH
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