Hyd. ok, starts to move, creep speed, whines to a high pitch, cuts off, code 16 comes up. E3000 A4EC110251, any help would be appreciated.
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I've seen a bad encoder bearing cause stall timer codes in Cat lifts with the MHI system. Something to do with the controller seeing zero motor speed and increasing current to try to get things moving again before it times out.
Unit has been turned over to Cat, waiting for results.
Problem was the encoder bearing, had motor rebuilt.
Problem: Traction Motor, Stall Timer (16)
Possible Cause:
Stall current flowed more than set time (#20) in traction motor, faulty traction inverter current sensor, shorted harness
wiring, faulty traction inverter DSP card, faulty logic unit.
How the error code is triggered
Stall timer set time (set by Setup Option #20) is measured while stalling.
I suppose by some longshot the encoder bearing might be erroring out but throughout the whole diagnostic checks it points more towards the DSP card or the traction controller power supply or maybe some wiring issues that need to be repaired.
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