Bill Pfleger |
PORTLAND, OR, United StatesNacco Materials Handling Group Inc (NMHG) executive vice president for operations
Michael Brogan will take over as NMHG president and CEO when
Reginald R Eklund retires on June 30, 2006. Brogan joined NMHG in 1983 and is currently responsible for global operations and product development. He has held leadership positions in engineering, manufacturing, product strategy and procurement within NMHG.
GREENVILLE, NC, United StatesYale Materials Handling Europe has appointed
Bill Pfleger as managing director. He was previously vice president of dealer development for Yale Americas. Before joining Yale, Pfleger was chief financial officer at a Yale dealership for eight years. He holds an accounting degree and an MBA from Michigan State University, USA.
Vancouver, CanadaFinning International Inc has appointed
Michael T Waites as executive vice president and chief financial officer, effective from May 1, 2006. Waites was chief financial officer of Canadian Pacific Railway for the past six years and CEO of its US network for the past three years. He has resigned as a member of the Finning board of directors to accept his new position.
WAREGEM, BelgiumLuc Vandemoortele has retired after a 35-year career repairing forklift parts for the TVH Group. Vandemoortele was called the "right hand" of TVH co-founder Paul Thermote and would be missed by the company, a TVH spokesperson said.