Komatsu’s green credentials recognised

News Story
- 17 Oct 2013 ( #638 ) - Tokyo, Japan
1 min read
Tetsuji Ohashi
Tetsuji Ohashi
Komatsu has been selected as a component of the Dow Jones Sustainability World Indices (DJSI) this year.

President and CEO Tetsuji Ohashi says the company is very pleased to receive the recognition again, following last year's selection.

The DJSI was jointly developed by S&P Dow Jones Indices of the United States and investment specialist RobecoSAM, which focuses on sustainability investing in Switzerland.

For DJSI selection, companies are analysed and evaluated along a diverse range of criteria in economic performance, environmental conservation efforts and social activities.

In 2013, 2,500 large companies worldwide were surveyed, from which 333, including 21 Japanese companies, were selected.

Ohashi says: "We believe our corporate value is the total sum of trust given to us by society and all stakeholders. To continue our sustainable growth, we are firmly determined to continue our efforts to remain a company trusted by society while improving our business performance and our sound and transparent management."

Separately, a not-for-profit organisation, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), has recognised Komatsu for its green credentials.

In its Global 500 Climate Change Report 2013, CDP ranks Komatsu as a "leading company" globally for its performance in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in manufacturing and supply chain processes.

CDP analyses and evaluates the corporate efforts and performance of the world's largest 500 companies (by market capitalisation) to tackle global climate change.

Specifically, CDP evaluates corporate information disclosures on a scale of 100 points, and corporate performance in five grades of A, B, C, D and E. Komatsu received 95 points in the Climate Disclosure Leadership Index and A in the Climate Performance Leadership Index.
Komatsu was the only Japanese company ranked A in the industrial sector.
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