Readers of
Minority Engineer have ranked Caterpillar Inc among the top 10 places they would most like to work.
Caterpillar ranked number six on the list of 50 companies cited by respondents to a 2004 survey.
Readers were asked to name companies in the public and private sectors for which they would most like to work or companies they believed were progressive in recruitment, hiring and promotion of minority engineers.
Caterpillar vice president of human services Sid Banwart said the company was honoured to receive the recognition.
"Caterpillar works around the globe in a diverse world. Our world is one of many ethnicities but it is also a world that is diverse in experiences, beliefs, languages, cultures ... and more," he said.
The top 10 companies in descending order were Boeing, IBM, Northrop Grumman, General Motors, Lockheed Martin, Caterpillar, General Dynamics, National Semiconductor, Battelle and DuPont. Deere & Company was ranked number 40.
Minority Engineer, published since 1979, is provided free to black, Hispanic, Native American or Asian American qualified engineers and engineering students.