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No worries, I've got part number somewhere for the mod kit if you do decide to fit it, just give me a shout.
I'm only over the ditch, shout loud enough, I'm bound to hear you!!
Many thanks for that, good points cheers, however the batteries are buggered, thanks anyway!
Easy replacement job but do you know if this machine has had the BDI mod fitted to it? Issue might not be your batteries, these Wave 50's needed a BDI mod kit fitting as they had issues with BDI readings when batteries were actually ok.
It's an easy mod, just a few relays and a couple of wires from line contactor into can bus system.
I'd be checking that out first before you throw 4 batteries at it, unless you've already load tested them and they are buggered.
Nope, nothing tricky about it. Just be sure you don't put one in backwards and lift with your legs not your back. accepts no responsibility for forum content and requires forum participants to adhere to the rules. Click here for more information.