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Sunil I've worked on both and lined/still VNA believe me the tsp was better in all aspects
Maint cost low , spares availability easy , so Crown TSPok
Got to disagree with the above comment the Vector is ok but has some problems to me Crown TSP is far superior
Crown TSP 6000 very reliable most repairs are wear items or damage by user.
What do you want the truck to do has a big influence on the truck you need to look at.
How high do you need to go?
Man down OR man up?
Wire guided OR rail guided?
Battery exchange OR on board charging?
Normal turret forks OR shuttle forks?
Be warned if buying new it would be built to order, forklift manufacturers do have demo & rental units while your waiting for your machine to be made.
Who ever you buy a VNA from... they better have parts and service to back it up.
when you convert, as I assume you are?
Do they have rental, demo units to support you if your trucks go down?
Things I think about.
I my assumption of you being a conversion was incorrect, you already know what I am talking about.
Nothing feels worse than having your whole facility depend on apiece of equipment and it goes down, only to find out parts are days away and service is slow to replace them.....
Good luck!
BT Vector or Linde would be my choice.
It might be worth your while to call some other local end users and ask their opinion, in most cases after sales is key to a sucessful operation.
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