hello , my name is matt im currently working on a clark cmp40l, this unit starts runs 45 seconds then dies but restarts and shutsoff again after 45 seconds, we have checked coolant temp sensor and iol pressure sensor , checked charging and checked dash for any problems cant find any, any help would be greatly appreciated
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Yes we have wiring diagram but not for the auto shut down or dash cluster
Checked oil pressure sending unit and coolant temp sensor sand wiring to secm module and from module to dash to auto shut down , need way to test dash cluster
do you have any info or wiring diagram?
Well that eliminates fuel, the SECM does require oil pressure to keep engine running.
Is this a Woodward fuel system?
Unit has auto shut down, and is getting signal from module in distributor to shutoff, I cut wire for shutdown unit will run and not die now but still have all dash lights lite up, believe it could be bad dash cluster but not certain
Can you bypass the lockoff to confirm no restriction in the valve. Maybe a plugged fuel filter. Sounds like a fuel delivery issue.
Did that it doesnt lose power til after it dies
assure your fuel lockoff remains open when started.
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