Hello...can anyone tell me what a code C8-1 would be on a this Toyota 7FBEU20 S/N 10909? Also, possibly email me a diagnostic test procedure to repair this problem? It acts like the left motor brake does not release then will release and work fine until you take your foot off the accelerator.
Any help would be much appreciated.
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Thank you! I appreciate your help.
hello, just seen you responded sorry for the late re post, on the drive motor you will see a small two wire plug, ohm the wiring from that plug to the drive controller , located on the back left side panel if you are sitting on the truck, if wires are okay, you can swap the controllers from the top to bottom, if code the same you have a speed bearing issue
Thank you for your response...is there a way one can test to see which is failing? Like the bearing or if the signal is lost? How would one identify which issue is causing the problem?
Output when the traveling AC driver 1 detects the abnormality of the drive motor 1 rpm sensor. basically you have a drive motor sensor bearing failing on you or your losing the signal to the drive amplifier. common issue we see with these trucks.
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