Hi, we have a machine where the bolt for the adjust came off and eventually turned the brake innerds to hamburger. We now have all the replacement parts and are ready to re-assemble but for the life of us, we cannot compress the pressure spring sufficiently to get it through the backing plate hole to secure it. The manual does not seem to indicate any special tool needed, or procedure.
Has anyone run into this before?
Showing items 1 - 3 of 3 results.
Sears sells a tool that will do the job. The part number is 47767.
Had this a couple of days ago on a 9k mitsi. We got the springs from helmar and they were about a quarter inch taller than the oem ones, they would never fit.
Our brake tools were also too small for the retainer so I just used a socket of suitable size and an extension and was able to get them on.
Hope this helps.
I just started in this forum. I do hope you have got it fixed by now, but I used a regular wrench used for brake drums on a car. It has a curved point, hook and a gadget on the end of one of the
handles for pushing in the spring.
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