i came accross a side loader called a Hunslet Lizard, it seems to be very temprimental about driving. When selecting forward or reverse i hear the contacts click in and the truck movers about a foot. Then the contacts click open and the truck stops? Is it a simple replace the contacts? Any help grately appreciated
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Did you found the problem??i have new hunslet with sevcontrol and its loosing traction if you reset the controler by unpluging the plug and reconecting it again start to work
hi suchy,
moss control eh?
well thats one i've never come across, sorry i'm not going to be much help on that one. Hopefully someone else here has something on that.
good luck
sorry my mistake its a Moss control
i believe its got a Boss control board. thanks for the reply swoop223
sounds to me like a PMT trip
what type of control system is in it?
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