Clark GPH 70:
Help me diagnose problem with forklift that was overloaded

I have a Clarklift GPH 70 rated 15,500 lbs, but dumb me used it to unload a 32,000 lbs machine with the help of another forklift rated 25,000 lbs.

I figured the load distribution when lifting the machine was 16,000 lbs per forklift and thought nothing would happen to my clark forklift if it went about 1000 lbs over, however when it was time to lower the machine the forklifts were not in sync so the clarklift took on a much heavier load.

As i was lowering the mast on the clarklift it just came down fast, i let go of the lever in hopes that it would stop but it didn't. It went all the way down. Luckily the other fork lift operator acted quickly and lowered his mast as fast as possible so that the machine wouldn't roll over.

After the incident, the clarklift's tilt works but there is no lift. If i floor the gas pedal and pull the lift lever then there is 'some' lift but it doesn't hold.(I could raise the mast all the way up this way, but then it will just fall back down fast) I've inspected the top of the cylinders and around the control valve and don't see any oil leaks. I'm thinking it could be the relief valve or the cylinder seals but i'm not sure. Help is appreciated thanks.
  • Posted 18 Jul 2014 02:03
  • Discussion started by henry_m
  • Maryland, United States
Showing items 1 - 2 of 2 results.
I'm having trouble believing this one, youtube video please :-)
  • Posted 18 Jul 2014 12:10
  • Reply by mrfixit
  • New York, United States
I went ahead and floored the gas pedal while pulling on the lift lever. Only after it hit the top did oil leak from the top right cylinder.

I will have to get both cylinders repacked.
  • Posted 18 Jul 2014 03:04
  • Reply by henry_m
  • Maryland, United States

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Tsovkra is a tiny village in Russia where every physically-able citizen can walk a tightrope. Tightrope walking has been the tradition for over 100 years. Legend has it that the tradition grew from young men developing the skill to shorten the path to court women in the next village.