I have a wave 60 that randomly pop a code 253.
All is good then suddenly the wave just stop responding and beep with code 253. I have to mess with all the button, the hands, power on/off then suddenly the wave is good again. Then, 5min layer the same code 253 again. Whats the problem here? Also, when code 253 is here if I open the doors while i'm all down the alarm beep like If I would open the doors while I'm raised but i'm not. I don't know if this is due to code 253...
Thanks! :)
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Quick follow up..
I'm scared its more an access 4 problem than the switches, just wanna have your thoughts..
Today its like nothing had happened the wave works perfectly its weird. If its the switches then code 253 would have appeared again? Since it seems like an intermittent problem then maybe more an access 4 problem?
Also, last night I worked very much with the wave and the code 253 was kicking in every time the wave was turned on. I could turn it off then when I turn it back on bam! Beep code 253. Then I had to drive forward at the max speed (but it was very slow like when you drive in mid air) and after maybe driving for 25-30 feet the wave started to get his speed back normally and the code disappeared and all was good. Turned it off, wait 1min then turn back on and instantly code 253 again.
And today NOTHING and its runing for 2-3 hours now non-stop
Could this be more an access 4 problem or more switches?
Yeah lol the moment I enter the analyser the code dissapear so when I goes to check the value all stays at 1 because they now all work good... quite frustrating lol
You can but typically when the code is thrown the switch can start working again shortly after so you might not even notice anything.
But I have to do it when the code 253 appears? Cause if I do the test while the wave works good the value stays at 1 since all is working good
The way to test it is to have the platform lowered all the way, monitor 1 of the 3 switches until the code goes off or you notice the number goes to 0. Typically when you are in the analyzer menu it suppresses most event codes.
Oh I forgot... for the testing via the access 4 to check if value stays at 1 or change to 0, I'm wondering if I had to do it while the wave freeze with the code 253 error or anytime? Cause if I check when the code 253 is not here all the value stays at 1 when being lowered down... :/
Alright thank you very much :)
Most likely while you are driving one of the height switches opens as if it was in a lifted position causing the code. The code appears because one of the height switches opened and the switch below it stayed closed.
Switches do wear out causing them to work intermittently or only at a certain pressure on the switch. I see it quite often. When you test the switch, it tests just fine. Once you start to wiggle it or even slightly let it go the resistance jumps way up causing it open early.
It beeps because the lift thinks you are in the air when the switch opens causing the lift to set off the gate alarm. Even with a missmatch the lift will assume you are in the air and will require saftey features.
Good thanks!
Just 2 questions : since its the "height" switches, how comes sometimes that code 253 appears without having raised like instantly after turning it up?
Also, if there is a fu*knwith the height switches is it because of this problem that if I open the doors while the code 253 is on the gate alarm beep like if the doors would be opened while raised? The wave is down but it thinks its up?
Yeah the mismatch occurs when it detects one of them did not activate in order. The switches are pretty cheap so I'd try and replace all 3. Otherwise it might be a wiring problem, but the wire runs are fairly short. Otherwise it could be an internal error in the access 4 module
Ok I did another test with the service menu in access 4. Maybe I did it wrong last time but well here it is :
A4.11 : stays at 1 when being down and jump to 0 when raising a bit then back to 1 when down
A4.12 : stays at 1 and change to 0 when I'm almost at the highest height then goes back to 1 when lowering and down
44.13 : seems to stays at 1
Also, sometimes when the code 253 appears I can't raise can move forward very slowly. If I keep it full forward then sometimes the code 253 disappears and the wave is back to normal
So... more like a height switches problem? I'm thinking of just replacing the 3 switches at once...
When open they should be 0L or open. When closed you do not want to see more than 0.4ohms. You do have to do this test with the wires unplugged from the switch. Make sure to wiggle the switch and test diffrent amounts of pressure to see where the failure in the switch may be.
Alright and when testing the switches individually whats the value/voltage I should check to know if its good or bad?
The easiest way test the height switches is using the analyzer menu or testing across the wiring. All 3 height switches are located under the floorboard. 118 is on the left, 84 in the middle and 20 on the right. You can test them directly there. They are activated by rollers touching the outer mast.
It is possible there could be an issue with the mast cable but with it protected inside the mast it is very unlikely. Plus the access 4 which controls the height switches is located on the platform with the switches.
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