Having issues with order picker for a while, unit lifts but as soon as you hit the throttle screen goes blank, and get a orange blinking light (258) this code is not in the manual, would any one have any ideas whats this would mean? Thanks
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Did anyone ever get an answer on what the 2"58" on the SCM actually is from Crown?
I have a 258 Flash on the SCM with a 282 on the display. I know the 282 on dispay is the "no info recd from SCM" probably due to the 258 on the SCM.
Normally if it is a connector/cable issue I have seen a 282 disp ("no info rcd from SCM") and a 281 on SCM ("no info recd from dcm").
I know the "2" indicates exec boot error. Anyone know what the "58" is? I really dont want to have to call Crown tech support cause that is always painfully round in round in circles with no direct information.
This only happens now and then when operator is driving... not on power up. Restart the truck and it runs fine, hard to T-shoot when its not in failed state! haha
What specific model are you working on? Sounds like SP 3000
I appreciate all the help, will update status later, thanks
I would check for loose connections at the distribution board and measure continuity of the cables over the mast as per crownies post in the other thread, just seems strange that you get normal operation on full lock but weirder things have happened.
If I turn to either side the unit will move, and truck is not equipped with wire guide
the link Crownie wanted to post ends like this; "forum/discussion_11830.htm" here at the forkliftaction forum
check this link
Does it drive when fully left and fully right or just one or the other? Does it have wire guidance?
This truck does not have access modules. I did notice when I steer all the way to one side the truck moves but shuts off in the straight ahead position
Not come across this myself but I assume you are reading the code from the amber service indicator to the lower left of the spanner light? If this is the case, the code is a two followed by a 58, not 258. The 2 indicates an EXEC ERROR according to the manual but doesn't list any codes other than 81 & 82 which are steering module related. Check the Access 3 and steering modules when the code is displayed on the display module and see if either is also flashing a code, this should help narrow it down. I would suspect its a communication error between the modules, either an overmast cable or at the distribution board. Failing that it could be a module failure, swapping with another machine would be the best course of action if you have a second identical machine on site. Check the manual under 'Service LEDS' in the Display & Steering Modules section for a little more info.
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