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did you find the right info
hi, Pastrana
have a truck (V50d) with that engine that fix it about 1 year.
Will check some notes i have and see what can get to you. will also check about vaccum, since it varyies, depending how and where are you doing the test.
Hi all.
Im fixing a peugeot engine with some troubles. First I change head gasket,but still doesent run fine. Checked vacumm and have 10 inches.too low Im guessing iis the valve timing, but dont have the mannual.Can some one help with timing squematics.
Good info there, thanks guys.
I second what lonster says, be very careful once the head is removed to not let the liners raise up. there is no question the liner seals will leak once the liners lift up even one time.
be careful i know on at least some of these engines only thing holding the liners in is the head if you turn the engine with the head off liners lift rust gets into the liner shims for deck hieght and they leak complete teardown and rebuild then
usually it is stamped on the block , look for a small flat area around the ears where the bellhousing is or on the side. I have seen tags on them too either on the side of the block or on the valve cover.
Now I see, said the blind man. Good info there but how do I find the ser number? I scratched around the block and the thick crud is killin me. Also how often do the liner seals go out?
ok that one worked :o)
once you see the specs you'll understand what i was saying earlier in this post about it :o)
is that email address in your profile accurate?
i tried to send you something but it rejected it.
The server response was user does not exist.
So it looks like im gonna need head bolts too... If I can get the serial number do you have the correct procedure for installation? For that matter where is the serial number located on these engines?
yep it is bbforks
when cat first came out with these they were a big headache
we learned the hard way but we found out the proceedure for reinstalling the head in the manual was that way for a reason.
a very aggrevating engine to deal with imo
once you get it right though its a very good running engine... very strong :o)
Is this a torque to yield engine? If so- you'll never keep a head gasket long if you don't get the sequence correct.
60 lb ft is not correct for the XN1P engine
depending on the serial number of the engine the end result of the torque sequence could be either 37 lb ft or 44 lb ft....
NOT 60lb ft.
The manuals states it could be 50 or 60 N+m not foot pounds. (that translates to what i stated above)
There is a proceedure to install a head gasket and it must be followed to the letter or you WILL over torque the head and either strip out the block threads, break a bolt or warp the head.
If you dont have instructions to follow to do this you're probably not going to get it right and mess up the engine.
In the manual there are 3 separate proceedures for installing and tightening a head and gasket, they are all based on the serial number range of the engine so you must know which engine you have before you begin. You must have the correct gasket also.
You can guess at it if you want but the chances of getting it right are 50/50 at best.
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