This Yale GLP 080VXNGSE090 has a brake configuration I am not familiar with. Not a basic master cylinder set up.
There is pressure at the pedal, but unit will no stop. If I was dealing with a basic master cylinder, I would think that there was leakage inside. But with this set up, I cannot tell. No visible signs of a leak, no low fluid level and according to the information panel we are building pressure. Can someone suggest a valid starting point. There are lines that run from the master cylinder to the transmission, electric sensor of some sort and a line that runs to a distribution block then on to the wheel cylinders.
Changing the master cylinder is not an option at this time as it is over $1000.00 in cost alone.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
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OK, here we go. Brake pressure with the engine running is 500 psi. And just to double check, opened the bleeders and plenty of pressure at that point.
If you can access the settings in the dash board you can call up the brake pressure reading, step on the petal with the motor running, and read the pressure. I would think that 300 psi would be plenty to stop good. If the pressure is low then there must be something wrong with the brake booster (part of the master cylinder). I'm not familiar with how the booster works, maybe a hose that has hydraulic oil pressure?
Have you loosened the bleeders to see if you have any pressure? If not that is where I would start. All the trucks of this size we have, have the wet brake axle. Master cylinders are the same.
Model # GLP080VXNGSE090
Serial # F813V02073F
Thanks, I appreciate the help.
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