The annual order intake for the global industrial truck market exceeded one million units for the first time in 2013.
According to World Industrial Truck Statistics (WITS), global truck orders totaled1,009,777 in 2013, while global shipments totaled 988,781. The latter is expected to exceed one million for 2014.
In 2013, there was a slight decline in the Western European industrial truck market (about 4%) and a slight increase in Eastern Europe (about 4%).
The European Materials Handling Federation says uncertainties remain for 2014, particularly for Ukraine, Russia and the Near East.
There was a strong increase in the Americas (about +9%), following the general market, as industry benefits from cheaper energy. The Asian markets grew by about 5%, one of the main drivers being the continuous demand in China.
The overall market was up by 3% compared with 2012. While rider warehouse trucks slightly decreased, pedestrian-controlled and IC-counterbalance warehouse trucks increased, the latter mainly in Asia.
WITS is a global statistical reporting program that tracks the orders and shipments of industrial trucks worldwide. The reports are produced using statistics that come from six trade groups: ABIMAQ - Associacao Brasileira de Maquinas e Equipamentos (Brazil); CITA - China Industrial Truck Association; FEM IT - European Federation of Materials Handling (Europe); Product Group Industrial Trucks, ITA - Industrial Truck Association (North America); JIVA - Japanese Industrial Vehicles Association and KOCEMA - Korean Construction Equipment Manufacturers Association.
WITS reports are confidential to the membership of the participating associations. A worldwide summary by continent is made available each year to the public.