fellow VNA operators/instructors, i need help with emergency escape.
my company uses a number of VNA man up machines across several sites.
an issue we have is with emergency escape in the event of machine failure.
we have harnesses in the machines but we no longer have a training provider for Scape and the decision has been made to find an alternative method.
so now i am looking for some kind of manual/mechanical/hydraulic platform that can be raised and allow the operator to be lowered but i am struggling to find something suitable.
my concern now is that we have no way of lowering an operator in case of machine failure and it p-otentially could be a big issue for us.
have any others come across this problem? any ideas or suggestions?
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It does pose a problem. We have had this happen on a number of occasions over the last 4 years. Our problem is unique because our units have a custom emergency stop on top of the cabin. It stops the truck if raised and contacts a rack cross beam. We where having drivers smash the control valve on top of the cabin and causing damage to the valve and piping. The emergency trip stops this but stops the operator from operating the unit.
ah really? thats interesting. ours are yale too, mtc13.
weve considered using scissor lift mewps which is fine for most cases but some of narrow aisles are single side entry so this wouldnt always be possible.
it really has me scratching my head now.
Had this happen a couple of months ago. Customer uses an order selector to get operator down from cabin. We then have to bypass the extend with a bypass hose and manually traverse the carriage. This is on a Yale unit.
yeah it does but this will only work if the forks are retracted when the equipment fails. if the forks are extended out they will rest on the racking beam and support the weight of the cab.
Most VNA trucks have a manual lowering valve installed. Do your trucks not have a manual lowering valve?
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