Today's Economic Signs are Similar To the mid-1970's

Reading the FAC articles on Hyster/Yale & the ISM report brought back memories of the mid 1970s when the US had supply change issues primarily castings, forging and rolled steel products - forklift production lead times were real close to 52 weeks from order to shipment. The main issue was the closing of facilities due of new OSHA regulations. Inflation & rising fuel costs were primary issues that lead to "surcharges". Worked for Allis-Chalmers at the time & they even imposed a surcharge on the order backlog as directed by corporate - certainly a key factor that lead to their demise.. When the "hoops starting coming of the barrel" - customer order cancellation happened. in fact I recall one month where the net ITA order went negative - that month at A-C we had a good month with +36 net orders.. Dealer rental utilization decreases, used good used equipment are hard to find and the price is up from wholesalers & lease returns and dealer rental fleets are sold off to end users before scheduled retirement time. Bad things started to happen. Am not predicting a "doom and gloom" situation but saying watch closely of key signs of significant possible slow downs. but now is the time to be like that Boy Scout motto I learned way back then -"Be Prepared" - there will be some adjustment in the future. Always maintained that the first two spending cut backs in users budgets are 1.) capital expenditures and 2.) advertising and marketing programs" and the providers of appliances and new home finish items - like cabinets, solid surfaces (marble/granite tops, etc.) sales start to drop off but developers a still building "spec" home like crazy.
Just food for thought to help keep your powder dry
PS: Been retired for several years now after 41+ years in an industry that I thoroughly enjoyed as a career.
PSS; Thanks to someone at FAC that edited the headline for this post. Some times computers & cell phones are just much "smarter than me". When I screw u,p my response to any one that calls me out is - "The Devil Made Me Do It" - a great line from Flip Wilson
PSS: when People die and go to ****, where do they tell people to go???
  • Posted 5 May 2022 19:52
  • Modified 21 Sep 2022 19:19 by poster
  • Discussion started by johnr_j
  • Georgia, United States
"Have An Exceptional Day!"
Showing items 1 - 7 of 7 results.
this was very insightful, thanks
  • Posted 15 Sep 2022 04:25
  • Reply by Manuel_Matic
  • Illinois, United States
Very nice
  • Posted 30 Aug 2022 23:08
  • Reply by Jeffery_Berry
  • Ohio, United States
I didn't know that before. I am glad I found your post and after reading your post, now I know everything in brief.
  • Posted 24 Aug 2022 16:33
  • Modified 26 Aug 2022 13:45 by administrator
  • Reply by VelmaMoore
  • New York, United States
Wasn't referring to the MLB baseball team but about those dudes that will hunt you down if you do things illegal, elicit and/or immoral - in jest of course.

Heck you must be a stones throw from that the mile long WinStar Casino. Went there last summer with our Daughter & S-I-L (live in Mineral Wells). Stayed the night (free room) with a great view of the wind farm but it was jammed with folks - left enough $ there to buy gallons of paint so they can keep the place painted up nice. That place is huge.
If you are familiar with Sunbelt Industrial in Dallas, Bill Rowan and Co. Know Bill Rowan, Bob Elzibacheck (probably spelled wrong) & Kam Miller well from my Komatsu days - good people - they hung up their spurs a while back.
  • Posted 9 May 2022 21:49
  • Reply by johnr_j
  • Georgia, United States
"Have An Exceptional Day!"
The Texas rangers have their ups and downs. They built a new stadium a few years back. Very well laid out you could get from the top cheap seats to the parking lot in about 5 minutes. Over all a good place to watch a baseball game. Have not been to a game in a while as i live about a stones throw from oklahoma. They are building a new stadium airconditioned of course. just something about the beer sunshine , heat always made for good times from the bleacher creatures to the sky boxes to the cheap seats. I also helped when i had access to free tickets to take customers to the game. BTY Just as the Mexicans won at the Alamo the North won the civil war. No hard feelings
  • Posted 9 May 2022 20:40
  • Reply by Dexter1212
  • Texas, United States
Hey Dexter 1212. Hope your FAC handle change isn't because those Texas Rangers are trying to hunt you down. (lol)
When I moved to Waco in early 1982 went to the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame & Museum on the north bounds side of I 35 at the Brazos River. If you like history like I do, found it very interesting. History of the first 10 Rangers - they were "Bad ****". Probably wouldn't want my daughter to hook up with.. Found it unique not many of that locals I met in Waco ever went there. Guess it because there was a popular dance club called Mickey's there on the opposite bank of the Brazos (found it interesting too). - but it has been replaced by the Baylor football stadium You might want to check it out.
Now I know what happen to you - mystery solved - glad you are still kicking.
Ciao & Pura Vida
PS: Just for the record was and still am a "Dam" Yankee - spent my first 38 years north of the Mason-Dixon and now 39 years below it. (14 in Texas and 25 in Georgia). Still can't get a "Green" card to be here - but enjoy listening to Marty Robins, Don Williams, John Anderson, Merle and Willie. Great memories of dancing on those corn meal covered floors in Texas with my newer wife of almost 38 years - a 100% Lone Star Lady. that won't go out to the mail box to pick up the mail without all fixed up and dressed to the 9's.
  • Posted 7 May 2022 20:15
  • Modified 7 May 2022 20:36 by poster
  • Reply by johnr_j
  • Georgia, United States
"Have An Exceptional Day!"
As the person formally known as Triumph rider ,37 years in the industry and you have hit the nail on the head again, It never fails , somebody somewhere knows more than everybody else about this industry After 4 years of college and act like it.The word proactive is a cuss word to these people. They are just plain scared to not tell somebody what they do not want to hear. The word reactive is their version of a "safe space".Either way forklifts will keep going out the door. This supply chain issue has the powers that be rethinking their Supply/Profit ratios and will look for ways to fix it. If you are not making money you are not making money a small low cost part stopping delivery is making them think about offshoring moving production to other countries. Remember the supply chain is also getting components to the mfgr then to the end user as a viable product
  • Posted 5 May 2022 20:11
  • Reply by Dexter1212
  • Texas, United States

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