fuel is good, no fire off coil until u turn off switch sparks 1 time , ignition switch is good voltage and power is continuous , new wires spark plugs , new msd , new ballast resistor, new ecu connector, new distributor with pickup, new rotor button and cap , no start at all HELP??
Showing items 1 - 7 of 7 results.
Ok so put on a new ecu from Napa, and it's still wouldn't fire for good measure I bought one from autozone as well same part # same everything and put it on and forklift is working great thanks for ur help
Ok ecu will be the next thing I try then thanks again
If tis has a ECU I would replace it. The ECU supplies the spark on most systems.
Replaced coil twice and replaced ballast , sometimes and only sometimes it will start if u have it in drive and u hold down the switch in the start position and will even Rev up but as soon as u let off the switch in the on position it will die and will not start again a couple of time I have made it spark through the coil only when u switch the ignition switch off and 1 quick spark from the coil. It's a head scratcher no one has been able to figure it out yet I'm even willing to talk to some one about what has been done if it would be any quicker to figure out 205-368-6591
If you did this and there is still no spark you either have a bad ballast or a defective coil.
Ran 12 volts from battery to the low side of the ballast resistor for test and made no change ,thanks for the input
Check your wiring. You should be getting bypass full battery voltage around ballast resistor when cranking, it sounds like you are missing the ballast bypass voltage when cranking.
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