Original problem was leaking off tilt cylinders found both tilt cylinders bad also pump had low pressure. New pump ,new control valve, rebuilt tilt cylinders, full of hydraulic fluid and all pressures are correct lifts up slow goes down fine. No tilt back unless you rev up engine or dead head lift or aux at same time as tilt back its the same with aux. Also tilt forward is slow unless motor reved up don't use aux function but it is on lift from factory.
Have tried to recalibrate not working or iam doing it wrong any help would be greatful before i callin a tech again Tks David
Hyster S120FTS serial # G004V03112E
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Update received both lifts they are working fine now Hyster dealer they replaced a brand new valve body on one of lifts with a new warranty valve body and i had to change mini levers had a spare one. And the other lift was the rebuilt valve body it had a washer missing and a part put in backwards they repaired. The mechanic doesn't work there anymore that rebuilt it. Both these lifts are 2007 models S80ftbcs and a S120fts went down at almost the same time for Hydraulic issues. Valve body issues on both units.
Anyway thanks for help and input David
I'm going to have to agree with swoop223. If repairs have been made already to these parts I would start to think to look else where.
You could try to recalibrate it again, the menu system is pretty straight forward, but maybe you forgot to save or something.
Also, consider getting a service manual for that machine. It will give you specs on travel rates for the mast lift speeds/tilt etc. Also it will give you engine rpms etc.
I'm not 100% sure on the mini levers, but I think when they are activated, they engage the solenoid fully, so you should be at max fluid throughput.
Anyhow, you can do some tests yourself and I would start with travel speeds at various engine rpms. I'll see if I can dig up some numbers for you on that machine spec wise.
Yes iam use to electric mini levers also the problem was when tilting back with only the tilt lever applied it was also lifting. And had to get high rpms to get the electric valve to open and work (2500 to 3200 rpm). Dealer says its the Hydraulic control valve on both forklifts are bad. But one was a brand new one and the other was rebuilt twice. Once by a cylinder repair shop and once by the dealers mechanic.
I've run into this too as a "driver" and a tech. I've noticed that some machines "mini levers or big levers" will allow you to say tilt back while lifting and others will not (They will allow lift OR tilt) but not both. When you say "revving the engine, how do you mean? Like 3000 rpm revs or a "touch of the pedal"? Tilt with a load does require some rpms, so that seems reasonable. Out of curiosity, are you use to an electric forklift? I was, and at first had to get used to the concept of revving the engine for hydro's.
Yeah I know one was a new unit and the other one was freshly rebuilt by them. Also took them a long time to find out what problem was and that was with them talking to a factory rep and him checking out computer system via his computer through email. Think he was stumped also. This lifts have been down for a while they are nice units but iam not to impressed with them but thats my opinion. Has any one else had the problems i've had both units are 2007 and both went down about the same time and almost the same issue
Anyway thanks for the help and ill keep posted on out come
the valve bodies for the control valves you just replaced are bad?
don't you find that a bit odd a brand new part is bad?
very unusual...
if this is indeed the case watch them (the dealer) and make sure they do not charge you for new part if you got the replacement one from them.
that should be a parts warranty as long as you installed it as the factory said to do.
up date sent both of our lifts out to a Hyster dealer for repair. They have found that both valve bodies are bad. waiting on there return and any other info will be passed on and what was problem with valves
does this truck have electronic hydraulics levers?
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