I've got a general question about troubleshooting.
A friend asked me to look at his inoperative forklift. I've got a huge amount of experience troubleshooting electrical / mechanical / hydraulic and computerized machinery, just not any time on forklifts. (I was a senior engineer at a Detroit automotive OEM, recently retired.) I'm not a rookie involving troubleshooting, including a hyper focus on keeping things safe.
I'm trying to find a electrical schematic for the forklift, so I can understand how the details work. I see manuals for sale on line approx $30 (download) but not sure if that is a waste of time or not.
There is even a guy on ebay selling a DVD with a multitude of manuals,
Anybody been here before? Are there any manual/schematic sales folks out there / online who are truly legit? There is no way to see what you are getting until you pay up first. Does anybody know if these are available retail from the manufacturer?
And I do see the warning on the bottom of this web page: WARNING: Forkliftaction does not condone the illegal distribution of copyrighted material. Please do NOT submit posts that may indicate an intent to share, exchange or trade copyrighted material such as service manuals, schematics, access codes, service tools or software.
So, with that said, what are the legitimate sources of troubleshooting manuals?
Any other hints, tips or tricks before I start this journey?
The machine is a Hyster R30F unit, and it no longer steers correctly. Cursory glance indicates it some sort of a electrical control issue, but I haven't really gotten into it yet. I wanted to look at the manual / schematic first.
Many thanks.
Showing items 1 - 3 of 3 results.
For legal reasons we at Forkliftaction cannot legally condone the distribution of documents that others claim to be their intellectual property; their copyright; their patents etc
From our perspective you can share through our forums these documents which are not restricted by copyright claims, and which are shared to assist others and not with the purpose of making a commercial gain.
We are not in a position that we can verify copyright claims on each of the materials shared through our website, and therefore it is important that we remind you and all our users of our "conditions of use and disclaimer".
Forkliftaction.com does not accept responsibility, vouch for or warrant the reliability, accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the contents of any message on our forums. You remain responsible for what you post.
I hope this helps.
Question: The forum "does not condone the illegal distribution of copyrighted material...." If I were to look closely at my forklift, and create my own electrical schematic drawing from scratch, is it legal for me to share that legally with members of this forum. It would be my own original product, and I'd be willing to attach an open source license to it. I wouldn't mind if others provided feedback for me to update the document, etc... I'd draw it up in CAD, probably Solidworks, provide pdf copies. I think its probably too big for scheme-it over at DigiKey (although that is an awesome tool!)
I can't imagine the logic of the schematic is the copyrighted material. The copyright is attached to the paper / digital copy of the published manual only, right? I don't want to break the forum's rules, I just want to understand them.
Forum admins please respond?
I would be tend to stay away from the DVD versions of the manuals most likely they are not legal copies. I would first check with your local Hyster dealer and see if the manual is still available from them. This is the legal way to get it.
As far as the paper manuals I have heard both ways that if they were purchased by someone then they in turn can sell them. I would go this way if the manual is no longer available from the OEM dealer.
And yes people can not send out the complete manual to you but they can send you sections of it.
The other option is to post issues you are having with the truck and there are a lot of seasoned tech's that read this forum and will give you advise.
You will get more correct answers if you post a serial number of the unit as well. On you unit I am not sure where the serial number is if the data plate is missing.
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