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Hi dear friend how can I reset this code.
I have error code E01-3 and everything is ok.
I noticed you posted this in 2013 about a reset code. I have a newer toyota 50-8FGCU18 that has this code. Is the reset function the same or different and if so you could you provide me with that info.
Hi I have a 8FGJF35 with E 01-3, how can I solve it and clear the error?
Thank you
can you email me the pattern to clear the code, please
I have a Toyota 8FGCU35U with a Error code 01-3 Fuel Feedback Control Error, what will cause this code and what should I be looking for as being the most common cause?
Is your idle smooth or does it fluctuate up and down most of the time? Sorry thought this was a recent post.
I could use that reset pattern if possible
Hi I have a 8FGF30 with E 1-2, how can I solve it and clear the error?
Thank you
my mail is gofiolso at gmaildotcom
Fuel feed back control error. The system could not read the O2. The code takes a special reset pattern to clear. Let me know if you need it. accepts no responsibility for forum content and requires forum participants to adhere to the rules. Click here for more information.