As above I'm working on a komatsu FG30SHT-14 serial number 592329A with Nissan K25L.
Customer brought lift in with blown head gasket, fuel leak and said it wouldn't start! Did head job, fixed fuel leak but still doesn't crank. I expected the other problems to solve the no start but here I am.
I have no power or signal to the fuel injector on the mixer. Wires travel to box mounted by TPS at pedal, homes them that far and they are good. Had an old harness so I tried the box with no luck. Hook OBD2 up and got P1218-P0340-P0118. P0340 is cam sensor, replaced it and cleared code, it never came back. The other two do. 1218 is limp mode because of temp sensor (or wiring) but would it cause lift to lose power to injector? Any help would be greatly appreciated
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