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just want to add that i have a NISSA MAplo2a25lv both sensors replaced code E-28 checked all safety swithes propane bottle replaced same conditions checked wiring for continuity OK
Other suggestions ??
sweet thanks. ill do both
Yes code E-28 is for camshaft position sensor error,the sensor is located on the front of the engine just under/behind the fan i would recommend changing out both the cam and crank sensors as a pair. Will have to remove the fan to get to both of them,also check the connectors for broken wires,if debris got up around them then wiring could be an issue. they are relatively easy to change,you just need a 10 mm socket and an extension to take them out and the connectors are diffrent on both the sensors so cant get them mixed up. accepts no responsibility for forum content and requires forum participants to adhere to the rules. Click here for more information.