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Thanks for the info Swoop helped a lot
found a service doc on this code
check your email
serial #is AT9003715 has Nissan 4cyl LPG system
serial number of truck?
the E-38 is:
so there is some soft of fuel related problem
in one of the service grams i found it has a list of a troubleshooting guide to check related to this code but depending on the year/Tier level some of these may vary.
- Check fuel pressure.
- Replace the filter screen in the injection holder body under pressure sensor.
- Is fuel rushing past the injector body and into the intake?
- Fuel pressure readings low and tech adjusted the vaporizer. Unit is running fine.
- Found broken wires at the fuel pressure sensor. was reading 0.0 kpawith fuel lock jumped
out and engine running.
- Tech cleaned the fuel filter and cleared code.
- Resolution: screen plugged
- Check to see if the ECU was changed or the injection holder was changed. If the parts are mixed depending on fuel system, this code will set.
- Check injection holder filter screen if fuel pressure is too low.
- Check for fuel leaking into the balance line vacuum hose. (leaking vaporizer diaphragm).
- Check for raw fuel smell into the intake (listen for air noise when key on). accepts no responsibility for forum content and requires forum participants to adhere to the rules. Click here for more information.