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I had a Caterpillar today that had the check engine light on, no codes displayed. It was the 1805 code. The tail light bulb filament broke and swung over hitting the filament for the brake light inside the bulb. That put the check engine light on even though the lights were off and brake not being used. In other words, check engine light on, operator shuts it down, needed a new bulb.
The Nissan-hitachi 23710 121 pin ECU's are notorious for INJECTOR failures.
The High Side drivers for the Coil and Low Side Drivers for the GAS mode Injectors are all on the same chip.
I have a problem with engine Nissan K21072686!It is seems like 2. and 3. piston doesnt work,I replaced control valve, cap an electronic, but again the 2. piston like it doesn't work???!!
If You have manual for this engine, it would be great!Just to see what can be wrong...i was talking with many mechanics , electronics ,but i didn't solved problem!
Best regards!
there is a procedure to clear the code 1805
depress brake pedal
turn on key switch for 7 seconds
turn key off and release pedal.
should clear the code.
this will only work after repairs have been made to correct the problem. =)
The correct part number for the adaptor cable is 3EA-55-38680
Howard call me Friday morning on my cell at 1-201-832-1606.So I can help you out betteron this.THANKS
Did the pedal dance. Still amzed that they would put a brake switch blown fuse as a check engine light.
Bought a Nissan K21/25 manual to help diagnose the problem, or I would still be there.
Have got a OBD 2 scan tool with a standard automotive 16 pin male plug. The unit has a 12 pin female plug under the cup holder. Have to do a pin to pin maqtch up to connect. also the same for the dianostic plug 4 pin under the floorplate.
The interface cable is a dealer only item and thay prob ably wont sell to outsiders.
We have had that one at the shop.Ecu does a check on system.How did you get the code out.Their are two ways to do it.One withe scan tool and other with fuel pedal.But the fuel pedal is a pain in the but.I like the tool better any way you can erace the history of stored codes with tool only and with pedel,
Thank you.
Have also figured out the problem with the check engine light.
Got a code of 1805, brake switch open or shorted. Fuse F06 was blown for the brake lights.
Have no idea why they would put this in a malfunction category of a "Check Engine".
That is the right number that comes with hand held tool to plug into the machine.I will double check the number on my tool tomorrow and let you know. accepts no responsibility for forum content and requires forum participants to adhere to the rules. Click here for more information.