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I appreciate the info. Thank you.
can you clarify which one you replaced?
there are throttle sensors (which are in the throttle body and are not adjustable)
and there are pedal position sensors (which are in the pedal control and are adjustable)
now as kevin stated those figures are for the pedal position sensors
i looked in the p7000 engine control manual and it shows this:
key on (engine stopped)pedal fully depressed:
sensor1: 4.2v (terminal 106)
sensor2: 2v (terminal 98)
key on (engine stopped) pedal fully released
sensor1: 0.6v (terminal 106)
sensor2: 0.3v (terminal 98)
not sure where he got his info from but appears to be reversed, maybe happens ;o)
having a serial number of the truck might be helpful to some degree but as for this setting it probably isnt going to change much between the models and years.
I was wrong,found what you are looking for,don't have the pinout info but will look for it,there are two sensors in the assembly,info is as follows:
sensor 1:
At idle......67V-.87V
Keyon engine off/ Pedal depressed:.67-.87V
KOEO/ pedal released: 4.4-4.6 V
Sensor 2:
KOEO/Pedal Depressed:.335-.435 V
KOEO Pedal released: 2.2-2.3 V
Nothing in the manual on that...........
That is for learning if I recall. But I believe what I am looking for is voltages when pedal is in different positions to get the sensor positioned correctly. Thanks.
turn key on,wait at least 2 seconds
Turn key off wait at least 10 seconds
Turn key back on and wait at least 2 seconds and learning will be done.......
The pedal pot. (Position sensor)
Which pot you asking about,the accelerator pedal pot or the throttle body pots?? accepts no responsibility for forum content and requires forum participants to adhere to the rules. Click here for more information.