I have been beating my brains out on this, read the other posts about bleeding. Tried pressure bleeding from the wheel cylinder, from the master, Inching then brakes, brakes then inching. I have replaced all the components. What I don't understand is on the new selector valve there is a one way valve screwed on top of it. The direction of the valve is to open when there is pressure from the wheel cylinders but close when there is pressure from the selector valve. I triple checked the brake line routing to this, Brake MC on the end, tube to splitter to each wheel cylinder out the top, inching MC on the other end and tube out the top to the inching valve. i Pulled the check valve out, pressure bled from the MC and it comes out the selector valve at the check valve port, did the same with the inching. Put the check valve back in and have good pedal on both but no fluid going to the wheel cylinders. Then pressure bled from the wheel cylinders and now no brake pedal or brakes. I have done this 4 or 5 times thinking there still must be air in the system but same results.
Showing items 1 - 6 of 6 results.
If you don't mind me asking, where did you get the selector valve and what is the part number? I'm trying to rebuild the brake system on my old C500 Y30.
Still no brakes but not because of your bleeding instructions. I have fluid running out of a port just below the inching valve. There was a 1/4 bolt in it with a rubber washer that wasn't tight, I tried tightning it and it would not get a grip. After messing with a few different bolts, pulled out my parts manual and it shows a filter going in the hole. I am guessing the inching valve is bad so going to order one of those. I also see a few seals on the inching piston housing which i will order as well. Then I guess I will try to figure out how to change it out and how difficult that will be. Hoping this solves my problem, otherwise I am going to have to disable the inching system.
I will give that a shot, thanks so much!
Yes, loosen line and let drip
Then tighten open brake bleeders
Let gravity bleed the check brake
Thanks, I finally got a bit of brakes, when you say bleed at the valve, am I just disconnecting the tubing and running fluid through? The only bleeders on it at at the shuttle valve going towards the inching valve and at the wheel cylinders.
Might try bleeding in sequence
1- bleed inching valve
2- bleed left side of shuttle valve
3- bleed right side of shuttle valve
4 -bleed left brake
5 - bleed right brake
If still having issues
Let me know
Good luck
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