hello all, i have a CGC60L S/N CGC470L00509777KF that we are having a problem with. At idle the RPM's are going up and down from about 800-1500, unit is back firing as well. at hight RPM the truck runs great! we have changed the Regulator, diaphgram and cap and rotor. the check engine light is not lit. also is there any way to extract the codes if there are any.
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The intake and governor are clean as can be the truck has less than 500 hrs on it. The problem is now only happening on quick excelleration. This has got to be an air issue everything else seems fine. If I mess with the timing the machine runs great but then will not restart at all.Driving me nuckin futs
brumbear, pull the throttle body off and clean it first. While it's off take a look into the intake and see how much build up is in there. You might have to remove the intake and flush it.
I have had a similar problem the unit backfired so hard on acceleration it blew the air cleaner apart unit came with a woodward carb system I changed it over to impco "cobra & mixxer" changed plugs wires cap rotor ign module and coil still does it a little bit I am thinking air pump @ this point?
I had this problem with our CGC70 and after changing the regulator and diaphram and still had the same problem. I contacted the dealer and I was told to change cap, rotor, and wires......then ignition coil with same results. I pulled the throttle body apart and found that enough of the LP honey had gotten pulled into the throttle body and down into the intake, partially plugging the intake ports.
As for checking the codes if there are any, with the ignition switch in the on position but not running pump the gas peddle 3 times. The check engine light will flash once, then twice and then any codes will flash.
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