Toyota launches new products

News Story
- 23 Jan 2025 ( #1214 ) - Columbus, IN, United States
1 min read
Toyota's Core electric forklift
Toyota's Core electric forklift

Toyota Material Handling has increased its product portfolio with the release of its Integrated Mid and Large Electric Pneumatic Forklifts and a “refreshed” Core Electric Forklift series.

The Integrated Pneumatic Forklifts feature are powered by an integrated lithium-ion battery and have load capacities between 8,000 lbs. (3,629 kg) to 17,500 lbs. (7,938 kg). They have been designed for heavy-duty applications including outdoor use.

Toyota has also launched what it describes as an “enhanced” or “refreshed” version of its Core Electric Forklift, “as a testament to Toyota’s culture of kaizen (change for better)”.

 “Toyota Launched an enhanced version of its reliable Core Electric Forklift," the company states. "This compact, four-wheel electric lift truck is designed for a broad range of indoor applications, with a focus on speed, efficiency and operator comfort."

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